Friday, October 23, 2009



The withering rose in the heat’s new day,

Reaches and Stretches for moisture’s relief.

Below, an enemy meets roots from clay,

Dry suffocation, Disappointment’s grief.

A covenant, t’wixt two, before was made,

Disguising Clay’s true nature in soil.

The Rose sought nourishment for love unstayed,

Yet, seemed wholesome and true the dirt was spoiled.

He took her, and he kept true to his stain.

She trusted that he would not turn her fears.

Exhausted and confused, she will remain,

The clay’s loud laughter echoes in her tears

Until all sustenance soon is withdrawn

Betrayal! And Anguish! There is no dawn.


mormonhermitmom said...

Have you had these poems around a while or are they new?

T&JCrawford said...

Yes, these poems were written in 2005. Does that make a little more sense? LOL